

Cryptocurrency is a technology that makes digital currency that uses cryptography for security that makes it unable to be falsified. The price value of cryptocurrency is largely determined by the buy and sell power of the users of this technology. Cryptocurrency or digital currency technology is currently highly developed by various companies and teams of engineers in various parts of the world. Even Google Ventures also invests in one of the Cryptocurrency technologies. There are already more than 500 cryptocurrency created based on conmarket.com. Some cryptocurrency has a variety of different concepts and some have other imitation coin concepts.
Because the basic value of cryptocurrency is purely based on the buying and selling power that is not guaranteed by anything, cryptocurrency often has a value of more than 20% in a day which can actually be used to trade to get profit. Especially because in bitcoin.co.id the cost of trading cryptocurrency is 0% - pure barter.
At the end of 2016 and early 2017 the price of bitcoin reached 16 million per 1 bitcoin but on January 6 2017 the price of bitcoin sold / bought dropped far from the price of 16 million per bit to the price of 12 million per bitcoin. This is due to the lack of bitcoin trading itself but with the decline in bitcoin prices it benefits the selling / buying prices for other coins.
Currently on bitcoin.co.id there are 10 cryptocurrency that can be traded: Bitcoin, BitShares, Litecoin, Dashcoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum, NXT, StellarCoin, NEM, and Ripple.

This is an example of the price of cryptocurrency on the bitcoin.co.id site

There is a price per bitcoin (BTC) listed. For example the price of 1 BTS is 0.00000390 Btc and there the price of BTS is down 5.3% from the original price.
If you want to play digital money profits, you can register with bitcoin.co.id, you can start from there.

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